Today we have a few new updates for your system. Check these out…
Action Sets are Called Workflows
We’ve found we were referring to Action Sets as Workflows more than Action Sets. We’ve officially changed the name in our system from Action Sets to Workflows. We will be using the term Workflow going forward. If you would like to update your system to call them Workflows, just email me.
3 Workflow Trigger Updates:
Pass Team ID
Based on great feedback from Workflow Trigger users, we’ve added the ability to pass through the teammemberid. This will do two important things for you:
- Allow you to Add Contacts directly to Team User’s databases (Power Users and Independent Users).
- Allow you to trigger the Workflow from a Team Member.
Use one name field
If your lead source uses one name field, you can use the fullname field to add the information to your system. We will split the name at the first space and add it as first name and last name.
Email is no longer required
The Email field is no longer required in a trigger. If you want to check for duplicates, you will need to use the email field, but if your lead source does not contain an email, you can still use a Workflow Trigger. Having one of these 3 fields is required: email, fullname or firstname.

2 Workflow Notification Updates:
Use the Mail Merge Email in your Email Notification
When creating an Email Notification in your Workflow, you can now use the mail merge code for the email to send the notification. Using this code will pull in the users email from the Mail Merge Profile. This does two things for you:
- Allows you to create a Workflow in your Default Account with a built-in notification that will work without being updated to the user’s email.
- Allows you to use with Teams and send the Notification to the Team Member that owns the Contact (Power Users and Independent Users will get the notifications when the Workflow is run from their contacts).
Email Notifications Include Contact Details
We’ve added some contact details directly to the Email Notification. You will now see the name, phone, email and source directly in the email without having to click on the notification. You will still be able to click to see the contact.

Are you using Workflow Triggers?
If you haven’t had me turn on Workflow Triggers, you should. Check out easy they are to use to integrate with things like Zapier:
Do you have a feature you want to see added?
We love your feedback and want to see the items you need to make your system better. Please use this link to submit new ideas you haven’t sent us before. This will add them to our tracking system:
Bookmark that URL and use it! 🙂
We have changed all of our support tools to start using HelpScout. You will notice our chat looks a little different and our Knowledge Base is a little different. We’re still here to help and now we have more tools available for that.