Easily Add Contacts to ClientTouch from Email Blast Analytics
Did you know you can now add all of the contacts from the email blast analytics report to ClientTouch. Watch this video to see how it works:
Admin Tool – Reset Pending Opt-Ins
We added a new tool in your admin area. You can now reset pending opt-ins. If you have a contact that sent the opt-in email to a group of contacts and needs to have the pending opt-in status reset, you can do that for them. Here is how: http://kb.allclients.com/m/wlcrm/l/297705-reset-pending-opt-ins-for-a-user.
Calendar – Add Color to Your Appointments
We will be adding color to the calendar! You will now be able to select a color for your appointment as you create it. If you have the Google Calendar Integration, the colors will integrate over to the Google Calendar too. This is what the new appointment screen will look like: