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To-Do List Improvements
We’ve been updating the To-Do List. We’ve added the ability to perform actions for a group of To-Do’s. Take a look at the video to
Schedule an Email Blast
We’ve added an optional step to the Email Blast sending process. This option will allow you schedule your blast for another time. You can still
Reset Landing Page Analytics, VoiceTouch Alerts and API updates
We’ve made a few enhancements to your system. Reset Landing Page Analytics We’ve added a Reset Analytics option on the Landing Page Analytics for those
Intelligent Links are Coming Soon – we need your input!
We are FINALLY getting to building the much anticipated feature: “Intelligent Links”. This is something we have wanted to build ever since we built Action
Faster Processing, Autoresponders to Third Parties and New Search Options
We’re Faster We’ve spent some time optimizing the processes behind the scenes. You may notice some faster processing. Send an Autoresponder Message to a
Landing Page Folders and Administrative Tools
Landing Page Folders We’ve added folders to your list of Landing Pages. You can now keep pages grouped with folders. You will see the folder
Enhancements to the List of Landing Pages
We are updating the page that shows the List of Landing Pages. You will now have the ability to preview a Landing Page in a
Add a Custom Message to Your Login Screen and New Landing Page Multi-Line Text Fields
Two more cool things are going to be included in your upcoming update. You’ll love them! Custom Message on Your Login Screen You can now
We’ve Added Progressive Landing Pages, Landing Pages can Create Deals, Single Name Forms, Enhancement Look on Email Attachments, Email Blast Analytics Link and Updates to the Birthday Assistant
Progressive Landing Pages Progressive Landing Pages are in your system now – you may not have seen them. Progressive Landing Pages allow you to gather