Incorrectly Formatted Email Address Alerts
On a contact record, if the email address is not a valid email, there will be an alert next to the email on the contact record.

Contact Counter Widget with 3 Searches
There is a new Dashboard Widget that shows the counts from 3 of your Saved Searches. It allows for customized labels and descriptions. Here is what it looks like:

And here is how you set it up while customizing the Dashboard:

Emojis in Emails
There is an option where you can now include emoticons in the text of your emails. On the text toolbar, you will see the icon to use to find your emoji. You can copy and paste to use them in the subject line too. (This option will not be available until next week)

Email Notifications from Workflows
There is a new look to the Email Notifications you will receive from Workflows.

View Email Notifications on Desktop or Mobile
When you receive an Email Notification from a Workflow, you can now choose if you want to see the contact in the mobile version or the destop version.

To-Do List Edit Due Date
When you on the To-Do List and you select several To-Dos, you can now use “Easy Due Dates” to change the due date.

Custom Field Layout Full Size Option
When you are editing the layout of Custom Fields, there is now an option at the very bottom of the page. This is an option we don’t recommend as it will cause more scrolling and change the view of the actual contact record. Instead of compacting and hiding unused fields, when this option is chosen, we will show every field (even if empty) and dividers on the actual contact screen.

Remove Contacts That Need Validations
In Group Actions (ClientTouch), you can now remove contacts that need validation from the Workgroup if you want to skip sending them in this blast.

New Navigation – My Team
When you are in the new Navigation and click My Team, it will take you to the Add a Team Member screen if you do not yet have any team members. This screen does have the option to customize the text, let me know if you need help customizing yours.

Account Log Report Tracks Verification of Emails
On the Mail Merge Profile, we require the verification of email addresses. We’ve started tracking the sending of the verification email and also the confirmation of the verification on the Account Log Report.

Text Templates from a Contact Record
You can now use text templates when texting directly to a contact from the contact record.

Texts Sent from a Contact Record can be 500 Characters
You can now send longer texts from a contact record. You may send up to 500 characters in one text.
Default to Recent
We’ve made it so that the Workflows, Autoresponders, Email Templates and Landing Pages default to the recent. This will make it easier to find templates you were just editing.
Deal Export Includes Deal Owner
When you are on the Deal List page and click export, we now include the team user name that owns that Deal. This helps track team production on same exported list.