Updates and Tools for AllClients White Label Partners

Background Color for Widgets, Saved Search Searches All Databases and More…

Choose a Background Color for Your Dashboard Widgets
When you are editing your Dashboard, the widgets will have a pencil to allow for editing.

When you click that pencil, you can choose a color for the background for your widget.

Adding a Team User First Checks for Duplicates
When you add a Team Member, we will first check for duplicates across all accounts. We will prevent duplicate email addresses from being used.

Email Templates Remember your Sort
When you are working with Email Templates, you can change the sort by clicking on a column heading. We will now remember the sort choice between sessions so you don’t have to re-sort each time you login.

Save Searches Include Search Across All Databases
We’ve added the ability to include the option to Search Across All Databases in a Saved Search. Update any Saved Searches that you want to include this option and we will remember it for you.

Pending Delete Accounts Can Not Use Workflow Triggers
Some Workflow Triggers were still adding contacts to accounts marked Pending Delete. This has been stopped and new contacts will no longer be added.

Removed Add Audio from Landing Pages
Browsers have been blocking Flash Players and no playing audio properly from a Landing Page. We’ve removed the options from Landing Pages and the Thank You Page set up to prevent confusion.