Birthday Assistant – Run a Workflow
The Birthday Assistant will now trigger a Workflow. This will allow you to do more with the Birthday Assistant, including texts, changing the time of the email sending, have multiple emails go out, etc.
Important Note: the Workflow option will only work for the primary contact. You will want to use the Email Template or Birthday Reminder To-Do options if you want both the primary contact and the other contact included in the birthday assistant actions.

Workflow – Choose Who to Send Text From
When you have a team sharing a VoiceTouch phone number, you can use merge fields to include the from address. You will now have the option to choose which team member’s information to merge when sending a text through Workflows.

Check Workflows for Errors
There is a Check Workflows for Errors button on the top of the Workflow List page. Clicking this button will check every step of every Workflow to make sure the matching library items still exist. You will see a warning for those that need attention.
This did happen automatically before, but in support we noticed longer load times for many of your complex Workflows. We’ve sped up the load time and made this an optional step that can be run at any time.

Send Multiple Attachments with an Email
To include multiple attachments with an email, use the Email Templates. When creating your template, use the Attach File option to select all of the files you want to include.

Hide Deal Fields
If you do not use all of the standard Deal fields, you can hide them. Go to Deal Settings and check the box to hide the fields you do not want to include in your Deal screen. These fields will still be part of the main Deal List, but you will not see them on the Deals.

New Email Template Sort Option
When you click to add an email template, the email templates are currently sorted alphabetically. You will now have the option to change the sort to a date sort. This will allow the newest templates you add to show first. If you want the sort to be this way by default, let me know and I can change it for your users, otherwise it is optional per session.

New Look to the Rolodex
We’ve simplified the look of the Rolodex. It is just a little sleeker. Check it out…

Expanded Stop Texting Codes
We’ve expanded the opt-out for texting options. Now STOP, STOPALL, UNSUBSCRIBE, CANCEL, END and QUIT will opt a user out from receiving texts. These will need to be received as one word texts for the automatic opt-out to work. If you receive a opt-out request by text that is more than just one of these words, you will want to manually opt the contact out for texting.