Updates and Tools for AllClients White Label Partners

Email or Text from the Contact List and Many New Workflow Options

Email or Text from the Contact List
You can now send a text or an email right from the contact list. Click the Green Text Icon or the email address to start the communication.

New Look to Workflows when you click Add a Step
We’ve moved the section headings to the left to make more room for some of our new actions. We’ve also made some other adjustments for a cleaner look.

Workflow – Stop a Workflow
We’ve added the ability to Stop Workflow so that you can have one Workflow stop another Workflow that may be running for the contact. This can be used when you want a prospecting Workflow to stop once the Customer Workflow is started.

Workflow – Stop If and Continue If have new options
You now have more tools in the Stop If and Continue If steps. You can adjust the flow if your contact has an Appointment in the Future, there are open To-Dos, there are no open To-Dos, the contact has an email address or the contact has a running Workflow.

Workflow – Global Stop If and Continue If
Use the Global Workflow Rules to apply these to the entire Workflow. We will check each of these global option before every step is run. 

Workflow – Assign to Team Member
You can use this option to move a contact to a Power User or Independent User’s database.