Sort the To-Do List
Click the column headers to sort the main To-Do List by that column. Use this to group like To-Do’s, group To-Do’s by Contact, group To-Do’s by Priority or Due Date and more. Your users are going to find this super helpful!

Autoresponder Completion Assistant Can Trigger an Action Set
We’ve add the option of triggering an Action Set (Workflow) with the Completion Assistant. This lets you trigger even more options than before.

Choose How Many Contacts to View
In your Contact List, you can now choose if you want to view 20, 40, 60, 80 or 100 Contacts at a time. This is helpful for people that would rather scroll on one page than click to view page by page.

Birthday and Anniversary Report Includes the Phone Number
We’ve added the phone number to the Birthday and Anniversary Report. You can now use that Report to reach out and call your contacts for their special day.

Search Your Team Databases for Duplicates
The Duplicate Contact Report now offers a report of duplicate contacts within multiple databases. The Account Owner and/or Account Administrators will now be able to pull up this report to search within All Databases for duplicates.

Trigger an Action Set with Text-to-Join
Instead of just triggering an Autoresponder, your Text-to-Join now offers the option of triggering an Action Set (Workflow).