Recent Added to Email, Letter, Landing Pages, Autoresponders and Action Sets
We’ve added a Recent to the Email Templates, Letter Templates, Landing Pages, Autoresponders and Action Sets. It lets you easily access the most recently modified template or plan.
Created Date on Email Templates
We’ve added the Created date to the list of Email Templates as you see in the sample above.
Missing Template Alert in Autoresponders
We’ve added an alert to show you at a glance that an Autoresponder may be missing a template in the steps. You will see this alert if an email template has been deleted that was once in a Autoresponder Step. Here is how it will appear in the List of Autoresponders:
And here is the detailed view of the Autoresponder with an Alert for missing templates:
Add Messages for Your Users on the Home Screen
You can now add reminders and alert messages to your Home Screen. You will go to your Admin and click on the Content Tab. Select the Content Zones. The new Content Zone is the Home Page – Top of Page.
Contacts with 10 or More Flags get Reformatted
We’ve noticed some users have many flags on their contacts. We’ve made some adjustments so that if a contact has more than 10 flags the flags are smaller so there is less scrolling to see the notes. This will happen automatically when a contact is assigned more than 10 flags.
Confirmation of Save in Landing Pages
When you are making changes to a tab in Landing Pages, there is now a confirmation that your changes have been saved. This will work when you click Apply Changes on every tab, except the Edit Content Tab (this tab works different and doesn’t save the same).
Line Spacing in the Editor
Our editor now uses Enter for line spacing instead of paragraph spacing. What this means is that if you use the Enter key in the Editor, it will only go down one line instead of adding a paragraph break and going down 2 lines.
Advanced Search for Add Date is On
We’ve added an option in Advanced Search. You can now search for an Add Date that has been added on a certain day.
Copy Action Sets from Default Accounts for New Accounts
We now have the ability to copy Action Sets from a default account for new accounts. This is an option that you will need to have turned on. If you are interested in this, please let us know and we will get this added to your account.