In a nutshell, you will be able to identify specific links in your emails, and when someone clicks on your special link, it will trigger a pre-setup Action Set for that contact in your database.
Jeff’s Example: You have an email that asks how interested a contact is in your product. Depending on what they click, a different Action Set is triggered.
Are you excited???
We need your help so we make sure what we are building is the RIGHT thing!
Can you please let me know this:
1. Will you use it?
2. How will you use it?
3. Can you give me specific, REAL, use-cases. ie. what will your email say? how many links will be in there? what will the Action Sets do?
4. What happens when a contact clicks a link and then clicks the same link 3 days later? Is that click ignored? Or does the Action Set run again?
5. Anything else you want to tell me to make sure this feature does what you want.
Thanks much and Hurry! We just figured out how to do the hard part, now we are fine-tuning!